
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" is a playable techno instrument. It allows you to generate new techno music sequences and also you have ways to mix them together.

It's designed for live performances, but it also lets you save your ideas to continue in the studio later.

Its use is based on a series of algorithms designed to compose new music every time, in addition to a variety of ways to modify and evolve these sequences over time.

Playing Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy means having to go with the flow and uncertainty, it is a still in progress project that i've alrady played around with nice and valuable feedbacks and a lot of fun.

I'll release this instrument as an open source project soon.


Available soon

Played at:

Blackout Festival 2023 - Turin

Locale Dischi 2023 - Bari

Ændor Studio 2023 - Bari

Next Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy show:

Magicamusicamistica Festival 2024 - Melito